Online Therapy Serving Maryland & Washington DC
Specializing in Christian Counseling for Women of Color with Anxiety and Depression Stemming from Relationship Issues
I just can’t do it anymore…
You held out and then turned back and gave him another chance only for him to leave with no “I love you,” no kiss, no nothing. The anxiety and depression sets in, but you are able to manage. “Why do I keep doing this?” you ask yourself. You just want to follow the One who saved you and let go of anyone or anything that keeps you from living for Him. But even though you make up your mind to end the relationship, you give in. You go back to him. But in reality, you just want a partner to finally love you and love Christ as well. You long for that deep, intimate, close and spiritual connection with your partner, but he won’t even talk about these things with you. You feel your anxiety and/or depression symptoms increasing. Some days you lash out at him for not responding to your needs and other days, you simply shut down. You hope that maybe if you stay longer that things will turn around, but you said that time and time again and you are still here. This pattern is nothing new. It’s happened in the past with your exes. You wonder when you will find someone who will truly love you and Christ.
You’ve read all the books, prayed, spoke positive words over yourself, and searched YouTube for information on how to decrease your anxiety, manage your depression and find the right person for you. Pastor tells you to “name it and claim it” and it will come into existence, and you’ve been doing that for over a year now and nothing has changed. You wonder if God has forgotten about you. You just want this pattern to stop. You don’t want to block your blessings, but no matter what you do, you keep failing and making what you feel like are “stupid choices” in men. You know you need to leave unhealthy relationships but you don’t do it. And even if you do, you fear that you’ll probably end up in the same thing again. You feel more alone than ever, even like you’re in sin. You need help. You realize that something has to change but don’t know what needs to change, how to do it, and/or where to begin. You ask the Lord to help you find someone who can understand you and help you change this pattern.
If you are ready to break this repetitive cycle that has you drowning in stress, contact me to book a free 15-minute virtual consultation.
Click Here to complete a short (and I mean short) survey on Christian dating relationships. Don’t worry, it’s totally anonymous! The information provided will assist me in creating groups and/or other video and written resources specifically on this topic to help you get unstuck! Thank you in advanced for your participation.
I am here to help you.
Ralnah Brown
Registered Nurse, Counselor and Marriage & Family Therapist in Upper Marlboro, MD specializing in Relationship Issues, Anxiety and Depression
Hi, I am Ralnah Brown, a Christian counselor and marriage and family therapist who helps Christian women heal from depression and anxiety that stem from intimate relationships. I have a passion for helping women like you do the following: 1) listen to, respond to and honor your hearts, 2) make sense of your lives, and 3) get unstuck in relationships that don’t serve you and/or align with your purpose(s). Clients gain insight and understanding about what causes them to repeat negative cycles in their relationships, what maintains the negative patterns, and how to break them. Individuals I work with discover, understand and accept who they are in Christ, and learn how to use the insights gained to help them give and receive the love they want and make decisions about their future that align with their God-given purpose and calling. To work with me, click here to schedule a free 15-minute virtual consultation call, so we can determine if we are a good fit for each other.
Along with the use of Scripture and prayer, we will build a relationship that fosters healing to help you uncover who you really are and what you truly need and want. You will discover that you do not have to settle for the kind of love that doesn’t serve you. While we can't change difficult situations of the past, we can work together to alter the impact that those situations may have in the present. We will unearth unacknowledged and unexpressed emotions that keep you stuck in negative patterns and learn new strategies for coping, regulating and transforming negative emotions that may be holding you back from experiencing a more fulfilling and meaningful life. I am here to support you through the journey of self love, self discovery and self-worth. With therapy, you can begin to interrupt the negative patterns that are keeping you locked in a cycle of frustration, feeling defeated, and not getting your needs met —to free you to move toward the kind of relationships that you were created to have — relationships of love, honor, respect, and confidence in Christ.
Click on the video to the right to learn about how I can help you with managing your depression & anxiety.
Online Christian Counseling for Black Females dealing with Anxiety, Depression and Relationship Issues.